" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/clf/clf06503/u/23.jpg">


  • 成立于 1971 年
  • 经认可无麸质
  • 促进头发、皮肤和指甲的健康
  • Non-GMO 项目验证
  • 膳食补充剂
  • 犹太洁食认可

- 我们的诚信承诺 - 

  • 真实性
  • 洁净度
  • 新鲜度
  • 一致性
  • 准确性

生物维生素属于水溶性维生素 B,支持角蛋白形成,而角蛋白是皮肤、头发和指甲的组成部分。生物维生素也支持能量代谢。也提供 500、5,000 和 10,000 微克效力形式。

是的GFCO 认可无麸质酵母、小麦或玉米
是的Non-GMO 项目验证糖、大豆或牛奶
是的经 AVA 认可全素防腐剂


是的经 IFANCA 认可的清真食品

本产品由 GMP 注册设施生产。


成年人每天隨餐服用 1 片。不要超過推薦劑量。提醒:請與您的醫級健康提供者討論您所服用的補充劑和方劑。

網路價:275元,結帳享5%折扣後 262


  • Established 1971
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • A Vitamin Supplement for Healthy Hair, Scalp and Nails
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non-GMO Project verified
  • Kosher Parve
  • IFANCA Certified HALAL
  • Certified B Corporation

— Our Pledge of Integrity —

  • Authenticity
  • Cleanliness
  • Freshness
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy

Biotin is a water soluble B vitamin that supports the formation of keratin, a building block for skin, hair and nails. Biotin also supports energy metabolism.

YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org◎NOYeast, Wheat or Corn
YESNon-GMO Project VerifiedNOSoy or Milk
YESCertified Vegan by The AVANOSalt or Sugar
YESRecyclable Packaging NOPreservatives
YESManufacturing Supports Wind PowerNOArtificial Color, Flavors or Sweeteners
YESKosher-PareveNOMagnesium Stearate

This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/clf/clf06505/u/21.jpg">


  • Established 1971
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • A Vitamin Supplement for Healthy Hair, Scalp and Nails
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non-GMO Project verified
  • Kosher Parve
  • IFANCA Certified HALAL
  • Certified B Corporation

— Our Pledge of Integrity —

  • Authenticity
  • Cleanliness
  • Freshness
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy

Biotin is a water soluble B vitamin that supports the formation of keratin, a building block for skin, hair and nails. Biotin also supports energy metabolism.

YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org
NOYeast, Wheat or Corn
YESNon-GMO Project VerifiedNOSoy or Milk
YESCertified Vegan by The AVANOSalt or Sugar
YESRecyclable Packaging NOPreservatives
YESManufacturing Supports Wind PowerNOArtificial Color, Flavors or Sweeteners
YESKosher-PareveNOMagnesium Stearate

This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.


說明: 成人每天1粒配合食物服用。注意,服用補充劑和醫學時,需要諮詢醫生。

網路價:377元,結帳享5%折扣後 359
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/clf/clf04135/u/28.jpg">


  • Established 1971
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • An Excellent Natural Source of Iodine
  • Supports Thyroid Health
  • Dietary Supplement 
  • Certified B Corporation 

— Our Pledge of Integrity —

  • Authenticity
  • Cleanliness
  • Freshness
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy

Kelp is a type of seaweed found in the ocean. Known as a green superfood, kelp is an excellent natural source of iodine. Iodine is known for helping to support healthy thyroid function.

YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org
NOYeast, Corn or Wheat
YESCertified Vegan by the AVA
NOSoy, Milk, Salt or Sugar
YESRecyclable PackagingNOPreservatives
YESManufacturing Supports Wind PowerNOArtificial Colors, Flavors, or Sweeteners


This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.



網路價:284元,結帳享5%折扣後 270